YRITWC Spring 2017
Brownfields Program Update
by Willoughby Petereson
Click Here for an ESA Application
Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)
The goal of our brownfield program is to identify and investigate properties suspected of contamination so that they can be revitalized for community benefit. If an investigation identifies contaminants and the property has a good reuse plan the community will be well positioned to obtain clean up and redevelopment funding.
Although there is no hard deadline- Applicants will be reviewed in the order that they are received. Services will be conducted from ice break up until September 15th, 2017.
Typically, a site assessment will require 2-3 months of preparation, so applications received before the end of April have the best chances. Thank you for those that have already applied - if you aren't sure if you have already, please call us!
Common brownfield properties found in Alaska include, but are not limited to:
Old fuel storage areas
Petroleum spills
Abandoned drums or barrels
Old school properties
Structures containing lead paint, asbestos, PCBs, or other hazardous materials
The YRITWC Brownfields Program will review all submitted request forms and rank by the following criteria:
level of local support, and community Benefit
current impact on human and environmental health,
current impact on subsistence,
level reuse planning.
The highest-ranking sites will receive assistance in conducting Phase I or II ESAs and site-based Action Plans during the Spring and/or Summer 2017 (March-September). Three to five sites will be selected depending on the estimated cost of services and availability of other assistance.
Please visit http://yritwc-brownfield.com/communities_map to check to see if your site is already in our inventory.
Select your communities site(s) and complete a YRITWC Brownfield Assessment Request Form for each site (document attached to this email). Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact us before submitting to discuss what assessment services are best for you, and to ensure that you have the correct information and eligibility criteria are met.
Applications will be accepted by Fax (907-258-3339), Email (wpeterson@yritwc.org) (preferred) or by mail at our Anchorage office:
YRITWC - Brownfield Program
725 Christensen Drive, Suite 3
Anchorage, AK 99501