A. Ethics Policy
Members of the board of directors, Executive Committees, staff, contractors, consultants, and volunteers of YRITWC. (“Organization”) shall not participate in personal, financial or business activities which constitute an actual, potential or reasonably perceived conflict of interest concerning or relating to the business, operations, management, and other activities of Organization. Members of the board of directors, Executive Committees, staff, contractors, consultants, and volunteers shall not engage in any conduct or activity that reflects adversely on the integrity or good reputation of YRITWC, or any entity thereof.
B. Conflict of Interest Statement and Disclosure
As an Executive Committee member, staff, contractor, consultant, or volunteer, I shall make the following disclosures of actual, potential or reasonably perceived conflict of interest at such time as the events to be disclosed have occurred or are reasonably expected to occur:
(1) All financial, contractual or similar interests, involving myself or my immediate family, with any firm, organization or individual which does business with, is seeking to do business with, or is a competitor of the Organization.
(2) Any employment, whether part-time, full-time or temporary with any person or organization which does business with, is seeking to do business with, or is a competitor of Organization.
(3) The receipt of any gifts from any person or organization doing business or seeking to do business with the Organization.
I have attached to this Ethics Policy and Conflict of Interest Statement a complete written statement of disclosure of any conflict of interest as set out in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) above. I shall supplement this statement in writing as changes in my circumstances warrant. I understand and agree that even if the existence of a conflict of interest is unclear, I have an affirmative duty to err in favor of full disclosure, and have Administration and the Board of Directors in consultation with Legal Counsel determine the existence of any conflict of interest.
C. Prohibited Conduct
I shall not participate in the discussion of any matter that concerns or involves any conflict of interest.
As an Executive Committee member, staff, contractor, consultant, or volunteer, I shall not (a) use any resources under my control for any purpose without the formal approval of Administration (b) accept any gift or gratuity from any person or organization doing business or seeking to do business with the Organization. I shall immediately disclose to the Alaska Region Director any violation of these prohibitions.
D. Acknowledgement of Ethics Policy and Conflict of Interest Statement
As an Executive Committee member, staff, contractor, consultant, or volunteer, I understand, acknowledge and agree to comply with this Ethics Policy and Conflict of Interest Statement. I understand that any violation of this policy shall subject me to such sanctions, including but not limited to removal, termination of employment, termination of contract, legal damages and equitable relief, as are provided by law or policy of YRITWC, Inc.
E. Drug-Free Workplace
The YRITWC has a longstanding commitment to provide a safe and productive work environment. Alcohol and drug abuse pose a threat to the health and safety of employees and to the security of our equipment and facilities. For these reasons, YRITWC is committed to the elimination of drug and/or alcohol use and abuse in the workplace.
This policy outlines the practice and procedure designed to correct instances of identified alcohol and/or drug use in the workplace. This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, interns and all applicants for employment of YRITWC. Supervisors and the Director are responsible for policy administration.