Old Dumpsite
Gas, Petroleum, Petroleum Product
800 sq ft
100-500 m from residential homes
Problem Severity
Current Use
Redevelopment Plan
DEC Database
Past Work on Site
ADEC inspection on 7/22/1994 noted the following old Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) tank farm in poor shape. Free product pooled around tank farm. Many fittings actively leaking. Area is lined and diked, but integrity of liner unknown. Vertical extent of contamination unknown. Water well is 370 feet away. Strong fumes around school. Perhaps 800 square feet of impacted surface area noted. Village concerned about contamination problem. City contact is Sally Simmon at 968-2241. ADEC will ask Yukon/Koyukuk School District (YKSD) to perform site assessment. School district representative was supposed to repair loose fittings. The Allakaket Traditional Council applied to DEC for a DEC Brownfield Assessment (DBA) during the 2008 DBA request period. A brownfield file number was assigned to track work done under the brownfield program, 800.57.003. DEC is coordinating with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which will conduct a Targeted Brownfield Assessment of other sites in the community, including the former diesel tank farm, gasoline tank farm, Alaska Power and Telephone Company (AP&T) generator building, and the pipeline that connects these various facilities.